North Tiverton Baptist Church supports only mission projects modeled after the pattern set forth in the New Testament by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-19, also known as The Great Commission. Local assemblies of believers send forth workers into the harvest and those who are sent stand in the gap to perform the work of the local church in foreign countries by evangelizing the lost through clear presentations of the Gospel. Once a nucleus of baptized believers is developed, they are organized into a local, autonomous Baptist church. Believers of the indigenous people are trained through the Biblical teachings of the church and Bible colleges/institutes. They are trained and equipped to assume leadership roles for the purpose of leading local churches in spiritual growth and maturity with the intent that they will then send and support missionaries themselves, thereby propagating the Gospel from within that country.
We believe there is a need to offer financial support for missionaries not only in foreign fields, but also here within the states. Part of every church’s growth plans should include the desire, goal, and plan to increase missionary involvement. Pray with us for our fellow servants in the US and countries around the world.
The Gospel Program is a Global Progam